最新消息 – 大阪格兰比亚大酒店 | Hotel Granvia Osaka Official Site https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/ Wed, 25 Dec 2024 02:10:53 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.5 拍摄照片与视频时的注意事项 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2024/12/taking-photos-or-videos/ https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2024/12/taking-photos-or-videos/#respond Tue, 10 Dec 2024 23:59:42 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/?p=7336 关于酒店内的照片与视频拍摄,出于保护个人信息的考虑,敬请注意避免拍摄到其他客人。感谢您的理解与配合。


https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2024/12/taking-photos-or-videos/feed/ 0
本餐厅的早餐提供有适合蛋奶素食主义者的餐食。详情请点击此处。 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2024/03/vegetarian/ Wed, 27 Mar 2024 03:29:17 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/?p=7189 大阪格兰比亚大酒店的SGDs https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2022/08/sdgs/ Thu, 18 Aug 2022 01:02:55 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/2022/08/sdgs/ 此服务可通过山阳新干线,当天从大阪方向送至福冈方向。详情请点击此处。 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2024/10/baggage/ Fri, 04 Oct 2024 07:58:06 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/2024/10/baggage/ 致入住大阪格兰比亚大酒店的亲子客人 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2022/06/family/ https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2022/06/family/#respond Wed, 29 Jun 2022 06:40:45 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/?p=6037 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2022/06/family/feed/ 0 [Follow-up report] Possible leakage of customers’ personal information due to unauthorized access and delivery of messages leading to a phishing site https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2023/07/follow-up-report/ https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2023/07/follow-up-report/#respond Tue, 18 Jul 2023 01:00:10 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/?p=7101 We deeply apologize to our customers and the involved parties for the concern caused by the unauthorized access to the accommodation reservation information management system (hereinafter referred to as “management system”) provided by Booking.com, which we used at our company, and by the distribution of messages to some customers that led them to a phishing site.
We would like to report on the facts that have come to light through our investigation since our previous announcement (June 1, 2023), as follows.

1. Investigation results (cause)

In cooperation with related organizations and specialized companies, we have been investigating the cause and details of the damage. As a result, we have determined that the cause of the unauthorized access to the management system was that one of our terminals that manages the system was infected with malware.

2. Investigation results (damage)

Regarding the possibility of leakage of customers’ personal information (including credit card information) contained in the accommodation reservation information (for stays between May 1, 2022 and March 31, 2024), we have requested confirmation from Booking.com, the system provider, and have been received reports that there is no evidence of such a leakage.

Incident ②
Regarding the message sent to some customers with a URL link leading to a phishing site, we have not received any reports of damage at this time.
We ask that customers continue to exercise caution and, if they receive such a message, not to access the URL link attached to it.

3. Future actions and measures to prevent recurrence

Based on the results of the investigation and suggestions from related organizations, we introduced security tools and provided training to our employees. We will continue to further strengthen our measures.
In the unlikely event that a customer is confirmed to have been harmed by a personal information leak or phishing attempt in the future, we will promptly contact the relevant parties and take the necessary action.

4. Customer Inquiries

For inquiries, please contact us through the following E-mail address.
Email address:

https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2023/07/follow-up-report/feed/ 0
[Important Notice] Apology and Notice regarding possible leakage of customers’ personal information due to unauthorized access and delivery of message leading to a phishing site https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2023/06/apology-and-notice/ https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2023/06/apology-and-notice/#respond Fri, 02 Jun 2023 05:53:46 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/?p=7069 The hotel reservation information management system (hereinafter referred to as “management system”) of Booking.com, a company used by Hotel Granvia Osaka, was illegally accessed, and the possibility that personal information of some guests may have been leaked cannot be denied.
In addition, it has been confirmed that a message was delivered to some customers by a malicious individual that directed them to a phishing site.
We are still investigating the details of both cases, and deeply apologize for any inconvenience and concern this may cause to our customers.

1. Circumstances of the incident

On May 29, 2023, after receiving a report from Booking.com, we investigated and found that the management system was illegally accessed by a malicious individual.
In response, we immediately changed the login password for the management system and stopped accepting new accommodation reservations through Booking.com. However, we cannot deny the possibility that a third party may have accessed the personal information of customers stored in the management system.
It was also confirmed that messages with URL links leading to phishing sites were sent to some customers who had booked accommodation through Booking.com, using the chat function of the management system.
If you receive such a message, please do not access the URL link attached to it.
The cause of the unauthorized access is currently under investigation by the Company and related organizations.
We have not confirmed any leakage of personal information of customers who have made reservations through accommodation reservation information management systems other than Booking.com.

2. Incident Description

It is possible that personal information (name, credit card information, address, and telephone number) of customers contained in accommodation reservation information (for stays between May 1, 2022 and March 31, 2024) via Booking.com, Inc. has been leaked.

A message with a URL link leading to a phishing site was sent to some of the customers in Incident① via the chat function in the Booking.com management system.

3. Response to customers

Customers who fall under 2 above will be contacted from time to time to alert them in order to prevent them from being directed to phishing sites. For inquiries, please contact us through the following E-mail address.
E-mail address:

4. Future actions and measures to prevent recurrence

We are currently cooperating with related organizations to investigate the cause of the problem and take all possible measures to prevent recurrence by implementing the necessary countermeasures.
We will report back as details become available.

We sincerely apologize again for any inconvenience and concern this may cause you.

General Manager

https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2023/06/apology-and-notice/feed/ 0
【重要通知】关于防止新型冠状病毒疫情扩大的举措 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2020/05/covid-19/ https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2020/05/covid-19/#respond Mon, 18 May 2020 01:00:47 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/?p=4887 诚挚感谢您素日对JR西日本酒店集团的厚爱。



看看视频 (English Sub)




  • 酒店对所有客人进行体温检测及健康状况确认。
  • 此外,酒店员工在为客人办理入住手续时,将确认客人抵达酒店前经由的海外等旅行地信息。


  • 酒店对所有员工(包括酒店建筑内店铺人员、酒店的进货业者在内),进行体温检测及健康状况确认。
  • 此外,健康状况确认的对象还包括酒店员工家属。



  • 酒店请求所有客人进行手指消毒。
  • 此外,馆内设施(大厅、餐厅、宴会厅、卫生间等)设有消毒液,方便客人随时使用。


  • 酒店要求所有员工(包括酒店建筑内店铺人员、酒店的进货业者在内)进行洗手及手指消毒。
  • 此外,员工区域各处设有消毒液。


  • 酒店要求所有员工(包括酒店建筑内店铺人员、酒店的进货业者在内)严格佩戴口罩。
  • 此外,请所有客人进酒店时佩戴口罩。
  • 本着提高公共区域、餐厅及宴会厅等场所安全指数的方针,如果您没有佩戴口罩,可能无法在酒店享受服务,敬请谅解。


  • 在酒店大厅周边等不特定人群聚集或出入的地方,定期对直升电梯按钮、卫生间等处进行清洁及消毒,并加大安全防疫力度。
  • 在原有清洁力度的基础上,对客房里频繁触碰的位置(门把手、电视及空调遥控器、电话、椅子、桌子、文具、开关、卫生间马桶冲水把手、卫生纸架、水龙头、浴缸、淋浴喷头把手、吹风机、客房内备有的《馆内介绍》等)及温水冲洗坐便器喷头加大清洁及消毒力度。
  • 餐厅、宴会厅的设施及用具(门把手、桌子、椅子、菜单、桌上用品、调味料瓶、麦克风设备、寄存号码牌等)每使用一次,就清洁及消毒一次。
  • 另外对餐具类进行高温清洗,加大厨房清洁力度。
  • 对接触频率高的员工区域,进行定期清洁及消毒。


  • 为了减少客人与员工面对面接触的风险,在前台及餐厅收银台设置了防止飞沫传播的隔离膜。
  • 客人在前台排队时,实施保持社交距离措施。
  • 另外,为了防止餐厅及宴会厅人群密集,也实施保持社交距离措施。
  • 客人在前台或餐厅结账时,建议使用非现金结算方式。
  • 此外,让酒店员工不直接将现金递交到客人手中,而是放入现金托盘中,由客人自己拿取。



  • 如有咳嗽等感冒症状、37.5度以上发烧症状时,谢绝入馆。
  • 莅临本酒店时,请佩戴口罩。
  • 本着提高公共区域、餐厅及宴会厅等场所安全指数的方针,如果您没有佩戴口罩,可能无法在酒店享受服务,敬请谅解。


  • 抵达酒店后,请配合进行手指消毒。
  • 在餐厅用餐时,请在入口处配合实施体温检测及健康状况确认。
  • 请入住宾客在办理入住手续时,配合实施体温检测及健康状况确认。
  • 酒店内各处设有消毒液,请随时配合手指消毒。
  • 在前台排队,或乘坐直升电梯时,请协助保持社交距离。




https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2020/05/covid-19/feed/ 0
咖啡厅&餐厅“IGNITE”全新开业。 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2020/06/ignite/ https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2020/06/ignite/#respond Thu, 18 Jun 2020 07:12:08 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/?p=5086 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2020/06/ignite/feed/ 0 【重要通知】有关更改自助餐供应形式及营业暂停的通知 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2022/04/breakfast/ https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2022/04/breakfast/#respond Fri, 01 Apr 2022 01:00:25 +0000 https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/?p=4657 诚挚感谢您素日对大阪格兰比亚大酒店的厚爱。




大阪格兰比亚大酒店 总负责人


https://www.hotelgranviaosaka.jp/zh/2022/04/breakfast/feed/ 0